Community Kiln Firings
Access to a kiln is a major barrier for creatives wanting to try ceramics for the first time. We offer pay-per-fire services so artists can fire ceramics locally. Check out the pricing details below.
Kiln Details:
The Blok DSM fires in a Scutt KMT 1227 Electric kiln. We offer community firings and charge per shelf. See our pricing guide and shelf diagram below.

You can drop off your work for firing any Friday or Saturday during our regular business hours. If you're unsure about the brand or make of your materials, please reach out to us beforehand to ensure we can accommodate your work. Our team is available to answer any questions you may have regarding the acceptance of your pieces. (Note: most work is readily accepted, with the exception of native clay)
We fire throughout the month, and your pieces will be ready the first weekend of the month following your drop-off.
When firing your work, we exercise extreme caution and follow a meticulous process, including a required candling time for all firings. However, please note that kiln accidents may still occur, despite our best efforts. We want to make you aware that your pieces will be fired alongside other clients' work.
If you have any inquiries or concerns about kiln firing, please don't hesitate to give us a call or send us a message! We also welcome you to contact us in advance before dropping off any new pieces.
We appreciate your trust in our firing services and look forward to assisting you with your ceramics.